QT-PyQt-PySide-Custom-Widgets - QFlowProgressBar

Custom Embeded Window GIF


The QFlowProgressBar widget provides a customizable progress bar with flow-style indicators for PyQt/PySide6 applications. It offers several visual styles, including circular, flat, square, and breadcrumb, allowing users to represent progress in various ways. This widget is suitable for displaying progress through a series of steps or stages, with each step being clickable for interaction.


  • Multiple Styles: Choose from circular, flat, square, or breadcrumb styles to suit different design requirements.
  • Step Interaction: Steps are clickable, allowing users to navigate between different stages of progress.
  • Customizable Appearance: Customize colors, font sizes, and animation duration to match the application’s visual theme.
  • Pointer Direction: For flat-style progress bars, the pointer direction can be set to indicate progress direction.
  • Signal Emission: Emit signals when a step is clicked, enabling interaction with other parts of the application.


Install the QT-PyQt-PySide-Custom-Widgets package using pip:

pip install QT-PyQt-PySide-Custom-Widgets


from Custom_Widgets.QFlowProgressBar import QFlowProgressBar

Class: QFlowProgressBar


def __init__(self, strDetailList: List[str] = None, style: int = Styles.Circular, parent: QWidget = None,
             finishedNumberColor: QColor = QColor(255, 255, 255), finishedBackgroundColor: QColor = QColor(0, 136, 254),
             unfinishedBackgroundColor: QColor = QColor(228, 231, 237), numberFontSize: int = 9, textFontSize: int = 10,
             currentStep: int = 0, pointerDirection: Direction = Direction.Up,
             animationDuration: int = 1000, easingCurve: QEasingCurve.Type = QEasingCurve.OutQuad, stepsClickable: bool = True)

Constructs a QFlowProgressBar widget with the specified parameters.

  • strDetailList: List of detail strings for each step.
  • style: Style of the progress bar (Circular, Flat, Square, Breadcrumb).
  • parent: Parent widget.
  • finishedNumberColor: Color for finished step numbers.
  • finishedBackgroundColor: Background color for finished steps.
  • unfinishedBackgroundColor: Background color for unfinished steps.
  • numberFontSize: Font size for step numbers.
  • textFontSize: Font size for step descriptions.
  • currentStep: The current step in the progress bar.
  • pointerDirection: Pointer direction for flat progress bars (Up, Down).
  • animationDuration: Duration of the animation in milliseconds.
  • easingCurve: Easing curve for the animation.
  • stepsClickable: Boolean indicating whether steps are clickable.


  • getCurrentStep(): Returns the current step.
  • changeCurrentStep(step: int): Changes the current step of the progress bar.
  • getDrawTextSize(text: str, font: QFont) -> QRect: Gets the size of the text to be drawn.
  • getBackgroundColor() -> QColor: Gets the background color of the progress bar.
  • getFinishedBackgroundColor() -> QColor: Gets the color for finished progress segments.
  • getFinishedNumberColor() -> QColor: Gets the color for finished numbers in the progress bar.


onStepClicked(int): Signal emitted when a step is clicked, providing the index of the clicked step.

Example usage

import sys
from PySide6.QtWidgets import QApplication, QMainWindow, QVBoxLayout, QPushButton, QWidget
from PySide6.QtCore import Qt
from PySide6.QtGui import QColor

from Custom_Widgets.QFlowProgressBar import QFlowProgressBar

class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
    def __init__(self):

        self.setWindowTitle("Progress Bar Test")
        self.setGeometry(100, 100, 800, 600)

        main_layout = QVBoxLayout()

        # Initialize the QFlowProgressBase widget
        steps = ["Start: Step 1", "Step 2", "Step 3", "Final step: Step 4"]

        # Initialize different styles of QFlowProgressBar widgets with additional arguments
        self.flow_progress_bars = []
        styles = [

        for style in styles:
            # Customize colors for different progress bars
            if style == QFlowProgressBar.Styles.Circular:
                finished_color = QColor(0, 136, 254)  # Blue
                unfinished_color = QColor(228, 231, 237)  # Light gray
            elif style == QFlowProgressBar.Styles.Flat:
                finished_color = QColor(0, 176, 80)  # Green
                unfinished_color = QColor(255, 192, 0)  # Yellow
                finished_color = QColor(255, 0, 0)  # Red
                unfinished_color = QColor(128, 128, 128)  # Dark gray

            # Create progress bars with customized colors and labels
            progress_bar = QFlowProgressBar(
                finishedNumberColor=Qt.white,  # White
                numberFontSize=12,  # Font size
                textFontSize=10,  # Font size
                pointerDirection=QFlowProgressBar.Direction.Down,  # Pointer direction for flat style
                animationDuration=1000,  # Animation duration
                stepsClickable=True  # Steps are clickable


        # Add buttons to control the progress bars
        self.next_button = QPushButton("Next Step")

        self.prev_button = QPushButton("Previous Step")

        # Add widgets to layout
        for progress_bar in self.flow_progress_bars:


        container = QWidget()

    def next_step(self):
        # Move to the next step for each progress bar
        for progress_bar in self.flow_progress_bars:
            progress_bar.changeCurrentStep(progress_bar.getCurrentStep() + 1)

    def prev_step(self):
        # Move to the previous step for each progress bar
        for progress_bar in self.flow_progress_bars:
            progress_bar.changeCurrentStep(progress_bar.getCurrentStep() - 1)

    def on_step_clicked(self, step: int):
        # Handle step clicked event
        print(f"Step {step + 1} clicked")

        # Set the clicked step for each progress bar
        for progress_bar in self.flow_progress_bars:
            progress_bar.changeCurrentStep(step + 1)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    app = QApplication(sys.argv)

    window = MainWindow()



  • PyQt or PySide
  • QT-PyQt-PySide-Custom-Widgets (version 0.8.5 and above)